Saturday, May 21, 2011

it's been a long time. . . .

so, we're sorry that we don't post very often, but somehow time just gets away from us! kathryn is now one and is finally getting her second front tooth (for which we have been waiting for 3 months now), and is still as cute as ever. she's really growing up and i can't believe how big she is. she still doesn't walk independently, but yesterday she finally showed an inclination for it. we went to the museum of art in springville and she wanted to walk almost the whole time with me holding one hand and dave the other.
to sum up, i'm still at BYU, but am graduating very soon. i'm taking astronomy (love this class) and orthopedic impairments (uh, not so much). dave is still working on his mba which he finishes this fall and is loving his job at digecor.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Kathryn at work

This is how we know when our little girl is doing her "business"...

sick kathryn

this last week has been CRAZY!!! on sunday kathryn kept throwing up so we took her to the doctor. fortunately, she only had an ear infection. unfortunately, she couldn't keep anything down, including her antibiotic. she threw up about 12 or 13 times that day, was very dehydrated, lethargic, and cuddly. it was heart breaking. around 8 that night we were finally able to get her to keep less than a fourth of a teaspoon of water down. then 15 minutes later about a fourth, then 15 minutes later a little more than a fourth, etc. as dave put it, we officially became real parents that day.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Halloween 2010

Dressing up Kathryn this year brought back the excitement of Halloween once again. It also might be interesting to note that her sweat pea outfit was 3$ at Deseret Industries, and Beth made the peas and sewed them on the costume. We thought it turned out good.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

From Lion to Mouse

Since her five months on earth, life with Kathryn has been anything but quiet. Her lung capacity is equivalent to the roaring of a mighty lion. But over the last few weeks it seems our little angel's voice has undergone a metamorphosis of sort; she squeaks like a mouse. And there are even times it is a faint whisper. Despite the fact that every time I hear her I want to go rummaging through the fridge to find some cheese, it really does beat the thunderous roar of yore.